Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back

7 Tips To Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back
  • Get fit - If you want to make your ex drool, get back your fit, toned body. Eat right  and start regularly exercising with a combination of cardie and weight lifting. (No, you won’t get bulky.)
  • Get a makeover - One of the best ways to feel better is to look your best. Change something about your appearance such as getting a new hair color or style, dressing differently (if you usually wear jeans and T-shirts, start wearing skirts), or finding a new makeup color that looks great on you.
  • Improve your posture - Pay attention to how you walk, sit or stand. Keep your shoulders back and your arms down and open to convey that you are a confident, friendly, fun woman who is open to approach. When you walk, think to yourself “I’m gorgeous” or “I make a great catch” and your confidence will show through your posture. When you slouch or guard yourself with crossed arms or legs, you convey that you want people to leave you alone.
  • Be warm and friendly - People want to be around those who are warm, upbeat, and positive. No one wants to listen to someone complain about every negative thing going wrong in their lives. Smile and look for ways to brighten other people’s day. Not only will you help someone else out, but you’ll feel good about doing it.
  • Be independent - You don’t need a guy to complete you or make you happy. You can be whole and happy while single. Look for activities and hobbies that fulfill you. Take up a new interest or hobby. Join a club. Volunteer. Learn a new language. Take a trip. You’ll quickly realize that your life goes on – and isn’t so bad – without your ex.
  • Be outgoing -Start meeting new people or reconnecting with old friends you may not have seen in awhile. In psychology, there’s a concept called “social proof,” which means people tend to value what other people value. If you surround yourself with lots of people who think you’re great, your ex will start to see you as being a friendly, outgoing person who is lots of fun.
  • Date other guys.- Like with having a great circle of friends, when you start dating, you see that other men value you as a romantic partner. Suddenly, your ex doesn’t seem like your only choice, but one of many possibilities.